Our vision is a world where all children, regardless of condition, can experience their healing through the joy and freedom of movement.
Our mission is to provide training, certification, and support for parents and practitioners, empowering them to work within their communities to help kids discover movement.
Upcoming Courses
Disability Training
Oct. 28, 2023 — June 1, 2024
Take our three-module training to become trained/certified to work with children with disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, strokes, and genetic disorders. Designed for parents and professionals.
Adapted Yoga
Learn how to teach and adapt 24 basic yoga poses with variations and salutations
Bring movement into another dimension by linking skills in space and time
Body Grammar
Master key motor skills such as rolling, crawling, and jumping. Help your children thrive!
Creative Games
Challenge kids cognitively and creatively to self-express, choreograph and dance
Learn gentle bodywork techniques that stimulate internal awareness and pain release
Equilibrium Positions
Prepare a child’s equilibrium positions to shape their posture and future locomotive activities
Flow Patterning
Help children learn how to initiate movement through smooth spiral flow patterning and oscillations
Help children achieve their first whole body locomotive patterns from rolling to walking